Non-Motor Claims

  1. All non - motor claims must be immediately submitted/reported to TRINITY INSURANCE BROKERS, INC. The following information should be immediately reported:

    o Policy number
    o Brief narration of the incident
    o Extent of loss (whether partial or total)
    o Contact person and telephone number

  2. The assured must take all reasonable steps to preserve the debris and traces of damages caused by the unfortunate event for inspection purposes, and must protect the property from further damage.
  3. Premium payment/remittance for the insurance policy subject to claim shall be verified. If the premium has not been paid, the policy cannot respond and is therefore considered ineffective.
  4. Upon receipt of notice of loss, TRINITY INSURANCE BROKERS, INC. will report to the insurance provider and will request to assign an accredited adjuster who shall arrange ocular inspection and investigation of the incident/loss.
  5. The validity and authenticity of the claim shall be established through ocular inspection and investigation to be conducted by the adjuster and by verifying the consistency of information gathered and stated in the documents submitted vis-à-vis the declarations in the policy.
  6. All claim documents must be complete, clear, and readable. TRINITY INSURANCE BROKERS, INC. may request for additional documents, which may be found necessary in the course of the evaluation of a claim.
  7. The liability of the insurance provider shall be subject to valuation and shall be limited to the actual loss, subject to the applicable conditions and warranties of the insurance policy and in no case shall exceed the insurance policy coverage.
  8. The Salvage Value of the retrievable items and insurance policy deductible (if any) shall be deducted from the computed amount of loss to determine the net liability.
  9. TRINITY INSURANCE BROKERS, INC. shall verify and coordinate with co - insurers (if any) covering the same property involved in the loss. The co - insurers shall proportionately share the amount of loss.
  10. The AVERAGE CLAUSE shall be applied in case the property covered is underinsured. The assured shall be considered as co - insurer for the uninsured portion of the sound value of the property and shall bear a ratable proportion of the loss.
  11. Upon completion of evaluation and acceptance of offer from the assured, TRINITY INSURANCE BROKERS, INC. shall facilitate in the early release of the settlement check from the insurance provider.
  12. The settlement check will be sent by TRINITY INSURANCE BROKERS, INC. to the assured, once it is received from the insurance provider.
  13. The early settlement of your claim is very much dependent on the completeness of the documents submitted. For your reference and guidance, the following are the required claim documents for the various kinds of non - motor car claims.
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